NodeBox with JS ( D3.JS or P5.JS ) For FxHash

0xamirreza's Avatar


16 May, 2022 10:30 AM

Hi dear community, as a new member of nodebox family i have a newbi question i tried to find my answer on the internet but i couldnt find it, so i decide to ask it here,i know its a newbi question but i need help, i know the output of NodeBox based on XML, but is that possible to coverted into D3.JS or P5.JS, As I noticed if u want to work with FxHash u need .html/css .js file, so i think to my self if we import csv to d3 or p5 does we have a chance to put fxrand() function into our code with changing some variables ?
- I hope I was able to reach the point
- Ty Amirreza

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by john on 18 May, 2022 10:12 PM

    john's Avatar

    Hi Ty,

    Thanks for writing. And my apologies - the forum software filed your note in the spam folder for some reason. I just found it and restored it.

    There has been some interest lately in using Nodebox for FxHash NFT art projects. Sadly, I don't see a way of doing this directly. At this point you basically need to use javascript (or javascript-based languages) or maybe Python or some other mainstream coding language for this sort of thing.

    Nodebox NDBX files are indeed just XML files, so they need an app (Mac , PC, or Linux) to be interpreted and converted to art and animations. The inventors of Nodebox did attempt to make a javascript-based version of Nodebox a few years back, Nodebox Live. It reached a beta version but was never fully debugged and polished. I don't believe any work has been done on it lately and I don't think many people are using it.

    Nodebox is just a list of functions and in theory each one of those functions could be ported to javascript. Some of this porting work would be straightforward, but some of the core nodes are rather sophisticated and would be more difficult to port. Nodebox is open source, so this work could be attempted by anyone, but I am not aware of any efforts in that direction.

    Similarly, it would be possible in theory to write javascript code that would read in an NDBX XML file (or equivalent JSON file) and do this porting on the fly - at least for a subset of nodes. But this would be difficult and borderline crazy.

    So, bottomline, I don't see how you can use Nodebox directly for FxHash projects.

    HOWEVER, you CAN use Nodebox to pilot and polish such projects before writing them in javascript. Nodebox is great for playing with and exploring new graphical effects. And it lets you do this quickly and easily. You can try hundreds of things in Nodebox during a single session that would take far longer in any other language, Once you have the bugs worked out and get things looking just the way you want them, you could then port your code over to Javascript by hand.

    I encourage you to give this a try. And if you do, please post something in the Share your Work thread here on the forum so that others can be aware of your efforts. If you run into any trouble on the way, or have any other questions at all, I am happy to try answering.

    Good luck and welcome to the Nodebox community!


  2. Support Staff 2 Posted by Frederik De Ble... on 19 May, 2022 01:51 PM

    Frederik De Bleser's Avatar

    You could also try using NodeBox Live, which is a somewhat-similar version of NodeBox running on the web:

    Use this link to create a new account:



  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by john on 19 May, 2022 07:46 PM

    john's Avatar


    Cool! I hadn't checked the Nodebox Live site in years and didn't realize you had done a full release. Looks great!

    Ty - or any other FxHash artists reading this: If you do find a way to incorporate Nodebox Live into your Hash workflow, could you please post something here in the forum? There's a lot of interest in this, and I would love to see a proof of concept showing that it could be done.


  4. 4 Posted by 0xamirreza on 20 May, 2022 04:12 PM

    0xamirreza's Avatar

    Dear friends
    Thank you for taking the time to respond. I try my best

  5. 5 Posted by florisdejonge on 15 Apr, 2023 11:43 AM

    florisdejonge's Avatar

    Hi all,

    I got interested in this again after some attempts last year, so I looked up how far I got back then. I made a simple network in Nodebox Live I followed the example here and combined it with some of this and uploaded a zipfile to fxhash. This did not yield any visual results. I got stuck on how the input hash could be used as a seed-value. That's where I left it, my knowledge (and interest) of javascript doesn't go so far, but someone might be able to help develop this further.


  6. Support Staff 6 Posted by Frederik De Ble... on 17 Apr, 2023 11:34 AM

    Frederik De Bleser's Avatar

    Hey Floris,

    I see that this happened because the ndbx script is missing a specific header (Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy header — I'll see if I can add it on the server; but it will take a while because the server infra hasn't been updated in a while.



  7. 7 Posted by Eugene Chekhov on 22 Jun, 2023 09:53 PM

    Eugene Chekhov's Avatar

    I open tutorials and everything works, but I can't create my project, this error comes up all the time :(


  8. Support Staff 8 Posted by john on 24 Jun, 2023 07:48 AM

    john's Avatar


    Sorry for all your other notes on this subject that wound up in the spam folder. Just saw this.

    I assume this and the similar note you placed in the General Discussions thread both refer to Nodebox Live, not Nodebox 3 - is that correct?

    I have asked Frederik to look into this. I have no knowledge of that error message.

    Good luck!


  9. 9 Posted by Eugene Chekhov on 24 Jun, 2023 08:45 AM

    Eugene Chekhov's Avatar

    Hello, John!

    Yes, the error is with Nodbox Live. I apologize for repeated messages, they did not appear when sent and I could not understand what was the reason. Please delete duplicate posts, I don't know how to do that.

    Might need to get access, Nodbox Live site still has a beta application form?

  10. Support Staff 10 Posted by Frederik De Ble... on 30 Jun, 2023 12:24 PM

    Frederik De Bleser's Avatar

    @Eugene the error should be fixed now. You should be able to create new projects.

  11. 11 Posted by Eugene Chekhov on 30 Jun, 2023 12:48 PM

    Eugene Chekhov's Avatar

    Thank you very much, Frederik! Now it's works.

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