Does anyone want my library of custom nodes?
Fellow NodeBoxers,
I am assembling a library of custom nodes and handy subnetworks that has become my secret weapon. It helps me every day and also allows be to push the envelope, unleashing the hidden power of NodeBox.
Does anyone want a copy?
If anyone out there is still reading this forum and sees the value of what I am offering, please respond to this comment. A simple "Yes, please" is sufficient. If I get enough responses I will post it in the "Show Your Work" section.
And now a special note for...
The ability to add custom nodes or subnetworks to the New Node dialog is one of the most often-requested features from NodeBox users. It's been on your to-do list for some time now.
I have just added a comment to your long-standing NodeBox issue:
If you are willing to take a run at this, I will definitely release my library to the community so people can add it to their own libraries. I think this would inject a huge amount of energy. It's been quite a while since we've seen any updates; Nodebox 3 needs some love.
Thanks as always!
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1 Posted by D on 17 Jun, 2019 01:01 AM
Hi John,
Thank you for all of your post and sharing of experiments as I followed the progress of NodeBox 3 project over the years. I would be interested in the library.
Sometimes, I wish there are better documentation and tutorials on the site that can help new users learn NB3. Tutorial and documentation sites from other projects like Processing, P5, and Drawbot comes to mind.
While I'm writing this, I think bitmap import support is crucial for designers to adopt this powerful tool. Without the capacity to import PNG or JPG files limits the use case of NB3.
With bitmap support, posters, book covers, motion graphic sequences, interactive kiosks, etc. can be designed using NB3.
2 Posted by Alexander Gogl on 17 Jun, 2019 04:52 AM
Yes, please! :)
Support Staff 3 Posted by john on 23 Jun, 2019 12:18 AM
OK, that's a grand total of two. Thanks, D and Alex. I'll make sure both of you get copies, but I'd like to see more interest before making a general release.
Any other takers?
4 Posted by andy.treichler on 23 Jun, 2019 04:10 AM
Dear John, it would be a great honor to use you library. Could you please put me on the list as well
Best regards
Von meinem iPad gesendet
5 Posted by Giampiero Dalai on 26 Jun, 2019 09:33 AM
Dear John.
I have been using Nodebox 3 for so many years, but I have never quite got to the point of making custom nodes, which I still think would be a turing point.
I would be really interested to see how you built yours, in order to learn how to make my own custom nodes in the future. And I would be glad to use the ones you already built.
I really wish there would be a library out there which can provide custom nodes for Nodebox 3. Tutorials as well. That would open to so many new applications for this software.
Thank you for your ideas and your work.
Best regards,
Support Staff 6 Posted by john on 29 Jun, 2019 06:02 AM
Thanks, Andy and Giampiero.
That's four. Any other takers?
So far I have 43 nodes in my library, each with a demo. Most are subnetworks which you can just copy-paste; some are built using 9 Python and Clojure custom nodes (included). I will probably add a few more and do a little polishing and testing before I release v 1.0.
7 Posted by matveev64 on 03 Jul, 2019 08:01 PM
Dear John!
Yes. This is very interesting!
Thank you!
Support Staff 8 Posted by john on 18 Jul, 2019 04:27 AM
Thanks to all five of you. I haven't forgotten you. I am working away in my spare time polishing the nodes I have and adding a few more. I'm up to 52 now. It's already changing the way I work. I will publish v1 of my library soon!
I may also publish a few nodes separately in the Show Your Work forum, so keep an eye out for that.
D, I never did fully respond to your note. A bitmap image node may well be the topmost request of all time as you can see by searching through the forum history (it's certainly one of my top requests). And I agree that this one addition would be a game-changer for NodeBox. It would cause some ripples in the pure vector world of NodeBox and would force a long overdue overhaul of the SVG functionality among other things, so it's not a minor change. And with Frederick now stepping away from regular enhancements, I doubt we'll see it anytime soon. A pity.
Someone did once write a custom node that can sample a bitmap image (at varying resolutions) and return a set of points. I used it recently in a small animation (which I can share if you want). But since a typical image has millions of pixels, it's not really practical to work with them one pixel-sized dot at a time.
You could do post-processing to add images to NodeBox output, but I think that would be too much bother for most people. There are better tools out there for that sort of thing. Too bad - the things NodeBox could do with images would be very cool.
I also definitely agree with you about the need for better documentation. It's the thing that bothered me most as a newbie. I have corrected a few egregious errors in some of the demo docs, but have not found time to do more than that. It would be a pretty massive effort to do correctly.
I have sometimes daydreamed about writing a NodeBox tutorial or reference manual. I could easily spend several years on such a project. If I ever do, I hope you five will still be around to read it.
Thanks again for responding. I use NodeBox every day, for both work and play, and still see endless possibilities. I'm grateful there are still a few people left to share that with.
Support Staff 9 Posted by john on 08 Aug, 2019 04:22 AM
I just posted v 1.0 of my library with 57 nodes in the Show Your Work forum:
Please download it, play with it, and tell me what you think. I really hope you guys can use these nodes to create cool projects of your own. Please leave feedback either here or in the library thread.
10 Posted by D on 08 Aug, 2019 04:02 PM
Thank you, John
I just opened the file, and its working for me NB3 with Java 1.8
Lots of goodies here! I'll take some time tonight to tinker around each one.
Thanks again for sharing
11 Posted by matveev64 on 11 Aug, 2019 01:17 PM
Thank you, John!
Now we will try this delicious long-awaited dish!
12 Posted by Giampiero Dalai on 10 Sep, 2019 01:43 PM
Thank you very much John.
That's a lot of work compressed into a .zip file.
I deeply appreciate your patience and your sharing attitude.
Hopefully I will make some new custom nodes following your examples, and maybe one day I'll share some too.
Thank you once again.
Best regards,
13 Posted by aurimas.gaizaus... on 30 Sep, 2019 07:24 AM
Thank you John. I would love to use your library.
Support Staff 14 Posted by john on 30 Sep, 2019 08:21 AM
Go right ahead! I published it in the Show Your Work forum:
Enjoy! And please let me know if you have any comments or questions.
15 Posted by Ruben on 26 Jan, 2020 11:57 PM
Yez Please.
Support Staff 16 Posted by john on 27 Jan, 2020 01:59 AM
Here it is:
Please let me know which nodes you found useful and if you have any requests.
I am hard at work on an update which will include a bunch of analytics and charting nodes. I will post it as a reply to the above link.
17 Posted by andy.treichler on 27 Jan, 2020 06:44 AM
Dear Ruben, i would be honored to use and take your library of custom nodes for my next projects.
Thank and best regards
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