Trying to color individual bulbs in a bubble chart / scatterplot
I'm trying to have the bubbles on a bubblechart chorispond to different values in my data, like so:
but I can't figure out how to get the different values into the individual bubbles. Whenever I change it it just changes all the bubbles.
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1 Posted by Chris on 29 Apr, 2018 08:22 PM
It's a graph correlating a cars horsepower to it's mpg.
Support Staff 2 Posted by john on 30 Apr, 2018 04:45 AM
Hi Chris,
The easiest way to explain how to do a bubble chart is to make one for you, so that's what I did. Nodebox network, screenshot, and PDF attached.
This chart plots 4 dimensions: miles per gallon on the X axis, displacement on the Y axis, horsepower for the bubble size, and cylinders for the bubble color.
The name of each car is placed inside its bubble. In some cases the labels overlap, making them hard to read. The usual solution for this is to only show bubble labels on rollover. NodeBox can't do this directly, but with a little work it is possible to take an SVG output of a chart like this, wrap it in HTML, and add some CSS magic to create popup rollover labels.
Please download the network and study it to see how it works. You can try fiddling with the colors, change dimensions, etc. But this chart is handmade, so you will have to edit bits and pieces to make it work with different dimensions or datasets. The graph paper, for example, does not automatically scale or adjust axis labels. With a little more work you could make a fairly automatic bubble chart that would automatically adapt to such changes.
Good luck and please let me know if you found this helpful.