[BUG] Can't select all nodes to make subnetworks
Hi Guy, I'm using OX El Capitan v. 10.11.5 (15F34), Nodebox 3.0.45 and java 1.8.0_91-b-14. The main problem is because I can't make subnetworks. because When I select all nodes and right click the app "reselect" one (only one) node and make the subnetwork.
All the best,
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Support Staff 1 Posted by john on 08 Jul, 2016 06:19 PM
This happens to me all the time. The NodeBox UI seems very touchy about exactly how you click on nodes.
If I select a bunch of nodes and do a quick control-click (press down on control key and click touch pad quickly down and up) the same thing happens to me: only the node I'm clicking on retains its selection.
BUT, if I do a slow control-click, it works properly. By this I mean hold down the control key, press down on the touch pad and hold down on both the control key and the touch pad for at least a full second before releasing up.
Perhaps you could try that and see if you can get it to work. Please report back either way.
Even if you can get it to work, I still consider this a bug. Despite much practice at slow-clicking I loose my full selection at least half the time. It's not a showstopper, but it is rather annoying.
A fellow Nodebox user,