grid with random svg
Hi, I would populate a grid with random SVG's but may be I'm approaching the problem from the wrong perspective (see attachment).
So what is the right model to accomplish it?
thank you in advance,
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1 Posted by matteo on 16 Apr, 2015 09:36 PM
In the end I figured it out creating a sub node that randomize the svg and a grid in the root scene.
Support Staff 2 Posted by Stefan Gabriels on 27 Apr, 2015 09:52 AM
Hi, it would be easier if you provided the ndbx file with your question or possibly a screenshot of what you're trying to do.
3 Posted by matteo on 27 Apr, 2015 08:07 PM
Hello Stefan
I uploaded two screenshot, tell me if you need the ndbx file
Support Staff 4 Posted by lucasnijs on 04 May, 2015 02:41 PM
Here's how I would do it. Just make a list of all your svgs like I did with geometric objects. Then pick one of them for each of the points on the grid and translate the picked objects to these points. Btw I use the seed number of the pick node to send a series of numbers to. The pick node picks that amount of different numbers form the list. One at a time, but resulting in the exact amount of objects needed.
good luck
5 Posted by Matteo Moretti on 04 May, 2015 03:37 PM
Hi Lucas,
In the end I solved in the following way
the root
the svg node