Random Color + Background
I'm totally new to Nodebox [downloaded yesterday] and - first things first, let me thank you for your work. It's a great tool!
Now two newbie questions:
1] Is it possible to change the background color? It's easy to edit an image, but not so easy to edit an anim.
2] Can you point me in the right directions to understand how to generate random color?
Thanks again.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Frederik De Ble... on 06 Jan, 2013 11:46 AM
There is no dedicated "background color" node. But what you can do is create a rectangle, colorize it using the desired color, then use a combine node to merge the background rectangle with your composition.
You can represent color using the HSB or RGB color space. Both require three numbers, all of which can be randomized using e.g. a random numbers node:
Frederik De Bleser closed this discussion on 06 Jan, 2013 11:47 AM.