How do I optimize Nodebox 3?
Will a graphics card improve performance somehow? I ask this because this tutorial crashes nodebox by the end (or makes it slow enough to make it seem it has crashed) in my laptop: I am using Ubuntu 32, I have 4GB RAM and an Intel i5 M460.
By the way, I began using Nodebox 3 just recently, but I'm in love with it. Thanks to all the involved. :)
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Frederik De Ble... on 28 May, 2013 10:18 AM
That's weird. If you have crash logs, I'd love to take a look at them.
The graphics performance depends on the Java implementation. On Windows, Java uses an optimized 2d renderer that runs on the graphics card. On Linux, I think it depends on whether you use openjdk or Sun's JDK (which I believe is better for graphics performance).