A Blog Posting About NodeBox
Readers of this forum might be interested in this review of NodeBox I just posted in Oracle's AppsLab blog:
This is the second part of a two part series about how user experience designers need to find better ways of imagining - and better ways of coding. In the first part (http://theappslab.com/2015/07/28/better-ways-to-play-and-try/) I argue that designers need to code in order to create richly interactive animated experiences and that we are in the midst of a renaissance of new coding techniques.
In part two I explain why the functional reactive style of programming makes visual programming more tenable, and how it creates a more organic process better suited to designers. I provide links to Frederick's NodeBox presentation at the 2013 OpenVis conference in Boston and then use some of my own NodeBox networks to discuss the advantages and limitations of NodeBox.
I would value comments by anyone in this community.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Frederik De Ble... on 10 Aug, 2015 05:53 PM
Wow, fantastic writeup! Thanks so much. It also adddresses some things that are sorely needed (like input). I hope we can solve these issues in the coming months, through NodeBox Live and other endavours.
Thanks again!