Apply Color Node
Attached is the latest addition to my node library: apply_color.
Apply_color simply takes a path or shape and recolors it using the properties of a reference object. Those properties are:
- Fill Color
- Stroke Color
- Stroke Width
The node compensates for Nodebox bugs that can fail to lookup colors under certain conditions. If no reference object is supplied, it will assign a black stroke of width one and make the interior transparent (alpha 0).
The primary use for this node is to restore the original color of objects which have been transformed by other nodes (e.g. compound). I found myself needing to do this again and again, so finally made a node to do it for me.
A simple node, but, I hope, a useful one.
Enjoy! Apply_color will be included in Cartan Node Library 3.1 - which will be released mere moments from now!
- apply_color_screenshot.png 302 KB
- 3.39 KB
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