Capture animation in OSC setup
Ok, so I have started sending OSC from Bidule to Nodebox.
It works as it should - apart from the fact, that NodeBox apparently isn't built for real time animation. It's a problem, because how can I then create videos of (or play live with) my new sound/osc -> vector animation setup?
Any thoughts? Maybe also about the future of NodeBox? I really want to use it like vvvv on PC.....
Br, AB
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Support Staff 1 Posted by john on 20 Mar, 2017 01:39 AM
Can you say more about your problem? It sounds like you have the animation working. Is NodeBox too slow to keep up? Is it freezing up from time to time?
2 Posted by AB on 20 Mar, 2017 03:23 PM
Well, it works with limited amount of shapes, but as soon as I use many shapes (with the grid or so) animation starts lagging quite a lot....
Support Staff 3 Posted by john on 21 Mar, 2017 09:50 AM
Unless there is some significant inefficiency in your network, I doubt there's anything you can do for live performances. You might be able to create videos by saving the animation as either an MP4 or a series of stills and then sync with the recording of the music. You can get much higher frame rates in NodeBox by doing this, but it requires post-processing.
I recently posted a question in the general discussion forum asking if NodeBox could be faster. No responses yet. I think in theory there might be some way to compile NodeBox code and/or run it on dedicated hardware for purposes like this. But I don't have the chops to do anything like that.
4 Posted by AB on 21 Mar, 2017 11:58 AM
Yes, I know. I just hope that the developers will look into this. A version for live processing would make NodeBox a worthy art installation application similar to vvvv and others....
Btw: Do you know of any alternatives for Mac?
There is PD and Max, I guess. Any others?