How to set a Random Rotation? / Reflection
Nodebox beginner, here:
I have svg shapes representing tiles in an overlapping
grid-based array.
The tiles can be oriented up to 8 different ways:
• Rotation Angle: 0, 90, 180, 270 (which I've figured out how to generate from Angle and Range Nodes)
• Side: Front or Back (basically a boolean)
But I can't figure out how to randomly pick from the 4 possible
angles and 2 sides.
I've tried Shuffle->First1 but the shuffle result is always
constant unless I vary the seed manually which defeats the point of
a random output.
How do I randomly select 1 from my ranges?
Much appreciated,
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1 Posted by 2urn on 17 Dec, 2012 12:29 AM
Here is test image for where I'm stuck--all arrows have same orientation instead of what is desired (above).
2 Posted by diki on 18 Dec, 2012 07:19 PM
I think it might be a problem of where you put the shuffle/rotate node -
e.g. at the 'top' of a 'chain', it will only influence the source geometry (all arrows will have the same orientation), while at the 'bottom', it can influence every arrow in the grid -
well, that is a bit hard to explain :P
But I came up with an example, see the attached screenshot & .nbx
Frederik De Bleser closed this discussion on 21 Jan, 2013 01:38 PM.